Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

Final Assignment of Semantics


                   PROGRAM PASCA SARJANA
Kampus  Universitas Negeri Semarang Bendan Ngisor Semarang 50233
                                       FINAL EXAMINATION
                                                  Subject          : Semantics
                                                  Program         : S2 English Education
                                                  Semester        : 2
                                                  Acad. Year    : 2015/2016

Instruction: This is a take-home examination; you can use any references available to you in answering the following questions. Answer the questions clearly and as detail as possible, do not include things that are not relevant to the questions. You have 10 days to finish your examination, beginning Monday, May 23rd , until Thursday, June 2nd , 2016.  Your answers, in the form of hard copy, are due on Thursday, 2nd  June 2016. The chairperson of the class is responsible for collecting the answers and sending them to my house.

1.      Read the following text carefully, then analyze each of the sentences/clauses in the text based on the participant roles: AGENT, AFFECTED, INSTRUMENT, BENEFICIARY, LOCATION, etc.

Here is the text :

We are usually very careful when we buy something for the house! Why? Because we have to live with it for a long time. We paint a room to make it brighter, so we choose colours carefully. We buy new curtains in order to match the newly-decorated room, so they must be the right colour. We move the furniture round so as to make more space – or we buy new furniture – and so on! It’s an endless business.
     Rich or poor, we take time to furnish a room. Perhaps some people buy furniture in order to impress their friends. But most of us just want to enjoy our surroundings. We want to live as comfortably as we can afford to. We spend a large part of our lives at home. We want to make a small corner in the world which we can recognize as our own.

2.      What is derivation? What are the three simultaneous processes that are involved in the process of derivation? Give five examples of words for which ‘zero derivation’ has occurred.
3.      Find five examples of derived words that can be categorized as INCHOATIVE forms. Use each of them in a sentence of your own! 
4.      Find five examples of derived words that can be categorized as CAUSATIVE forms. Use each of them in a sentence of your own!
5.      Find five examples of derived words that can be categorized as RESULTATIVE forms. Use each of them in a sentence of your own!
6.      Write three sentences of your own (do not copy from your textbook), each of which has the elements that can fill in each of the boxes in the following chart:






7.      What roles must be and may be mentioned in connection with the following verbs? Write the optional roles in between brackets! Example: OPEN: (AGENT) AFFECTED (INSTRUMENT). Write the examples of the possible sentences using each of the verbs!  
a.       HURT
b.      RING
c.       GIVE
d.      SHAKE
e.       BUY
8.      Find, in the following conversation, DIRECTIVE and COMMISSIVE expressions, and also say whether they are DIRECT or INDIRECT.

Mr Kent, Julia’s boss, is talking to Julia on the office phone

MR KENT: Do you think you could possibly work late this evening, Miss Frost?
JULIA: Work late? I . . . I suppose so, if you really think it’s necessary.
MR KENT: Thank you. We’ll have to work about an hour’s overtime. That’s all. (hangs
JULIA: (to herself while dialing) Oh, dear. Now I’ll have to ring Jim and tell him. He   
             won’t like it.
JIM : Hello? 26721.                                                                                                               
JULIA: Is that you, Jim? This is Julia. Look . . . I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet you at
             7 this evening. I’ll have to come later.  I’ll have to work late this evening and
             then I’ll have to go home. I can’t possibly go to the restaurant straight from work.
JIM: It’s always something, isn’t it? When will you be able to come, then?  
JULIA: Don’t worry. You won’t have to wait long. I’ll be there at 8.
JIM: At 8? But we’re going to a film after dinner. Remember?
JULIA: I know . . . and it starts at 8:30. We’ll just have to miss it this evening, that’s 
    all. We’ll be able to see it some other time.
            JIM: Oh, no we won’t! Tonight’s the last night!
            JULIA: Oh, dear . . . I suppose I’ll just have to come straight from work, that’s all.
            JIM: Yes. You will. Meet me at the restaurant at 7!
            JULIA: All right, Jim. I’ll be there.

9.      Mention five PERFORMATIVE VERBS and use them in sentences of your own!
10.  Explain the difference(s) between presupposition, inference and entailment. Give two pairs of sentences in each of which the first sentence entails the second!

The original word document can be downloaded here


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