Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Things around us

Title                       : Pet (Descriptive text)
Skill focus              : Reading
Level                     : X grader of Senior High School

Hello students!How are you today? Hopefully you are okay.This time we will have a lesson about Descriptive text.

Well students, before we go to the material of the lesson, let's do the warming up activity.
This is Isti's pet

Do you have any pet in your home?
Could you describe it in a brief?

When you describe something in particular, you are making descriptive text What is descriptive text?
Descriptive text is a text which describes what a person or things like.
The purpose of descriptive text is to describe particular person, place or things.
Generic structure of descriptive text
1.       Identification : Identifying the things that will be described
2.       Description : Describing the things in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics

Language features in descriptive text
1.       Use present tense, for example: make, eat, take, etc.
2.       Use adjectives and classifiers in nominal group, for example: four little legs, smooth fur, etc.
3.       Use relating verbs, for example: it has very strong legs, it is very delicious food, etc.
4.       Use thinking verbs, for example: I think it is very clever cat, I believe it taste good, etc.
5.       Use adverbs, for example: it is extremely fierce, it definitely has very good taste, etc.

Here is the example of the descriptive text:

My Withy

I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Withy, because its color is white. Withy is Chinese breed. I like my pet very much.
It is small, fluffy and cute.  It has got thick fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft, Withy does not like bones. Everyday it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give it milk and bread.
When I am at school, Withy plays with my cat. They get along well, and never fight, maybe because Withy doesn't like bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never eats shoes. Withy is really a sweet and friendly animal.

Okay students, after having those explanations, let’s get down to the exercise.

Part 1

Read this following text!
                                                                     Mr. Burger’s hamburger Gunungpati

Mr. Burger’s hamburger is delicious and cheap hamburger which i ever eat in Gunungpati. It tastes very good.

Mr. Burger’s hamburger is like common hamburger, but it has different taste. Like common hamburger i think, Mr. Burger is made from two slices of particular burger bread. Inside of it, there are lettuce, pickles, onion, cheese beef and also condiments such as ketchup and mayonnaise.

Mr. Burger’s owner has secret recipe to make his hamburger taste is different from other hamburger. He does not want anybody know about it because it is the principle of entrepreneur.

Mr. Burger’s Gunungpati is located beside Science and Mathematics Faculty. Mr. Burger opens at until Everyday Mr. Burger always full with customer even at night.

Answer these following questions

How about part 1 students? Is it interesting?
Now, let's go to next session.

Part 2

Play this video!

Have you play the video?
That is the example of descriptive text in a form of video.
And now, your turn to make your own word with the topic "Borobudur"

Borobudur Temple
Identification of Borobudur
For example: Borobudur temple is the beautiful temple that I have visited.

Description of the parts, qualities and characteristics of Borobudur
For example: Borobudur is the famous Buddhist temple, it was located in Magelang Central Java, etc

please make your own Descriptive text
and after you have done, send it to

Okay students, that's all for the lesson about Descriptive text,
See you in another lesson
Thank you for joining my class.
Have a nice day...

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