Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

News Item Text for Senior High School X grader

Hello students? How are you today?
We meet again on online lesson.
This time we will learn about News Item.

Before we go to the lesson, how many times you read newspaper or watch news television program?

News item text is relates to the news that is reported on the newspaper or shown in the television news program.

Let’s do warming up activity!
Match the picture to the appropriate name.








Please do the activity here!

 News Item

The function of news item is to inform the readers, listeners, or viewers, about events of the day.

News item text tries to answer the 5Ws and 1H questions relating to the newsworthy.

  The Generic Stucture of a News Item Text
 Newsworthy Event
(Main Event)
 Recounts the event in summary form
 Background Events
 Elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumtances. It gives further explanation about the main event.
 Resource of Information
 Comments by participant, witnesses adn authorities on the event.

Language feature in News Item text
1.    Using action verb
2.    Using saying verb
3.    Using adverbs (time, place and manner)
4.    Focusing on circumstances
5.    Use material processes

Here is the example of News Item Text

RI, Holland partnership to tackle water leakage
Severianus Endi, The Jakarta Post, Pontianak | Archipelago | Mon, February 11 2013, 9:08 PM
The Pontianak administrative region in West Kalimantan and Oasen, a Dutch drinking water company, signed an agreement on Monday on reducing leakages in the water distribution network owned by the municipality’s tap water company, PDAM Tirta Khatulistiwa.

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed by Pontianak Mayor Sutarmidji, PDAM Tirta Khatulistiwa director Ismail and Oasen director Jeroen Schmaal in a ceremony at the Pontianak municipal administration office on Monday.

“The average leakage figure is around 25 percent. Such leakage is regarded by Oasen as not too bad. But I want the leakage to be reduced by between 11 and 20 percent,” said Sutarmadji.
He said every 1 percent of water leakage was worth Rp 700 million. Old pipelines and water theft were the two main causes of leakages.
As part of the technical partnership, five technical assistants from Pontianak have been sent to Holland to undergo training with Oasen.
Sutarmadji said the Pontianak administration had been cooperating with Oasen for nine years. At Monday’s event, the cooperation was renewed in which the two partners agreed to reduce the leakage level in the municipality’s water distribution network.
“What I want to see is just that the PDAM can be more efficient in reducing the leakage level of the water supply so that our water services can continue to improve,” said Sutarmidji. (ebf)

Here is the another example of News Item text

Landslide in Bukittinggi
Two people died while four others were wounded in a landslide at a yard behind a house near Teleng market in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra on Tuesday.
The death people were 3-year-old Yusuf, who was the son of a kiosk owner at the market, Bujang, and 22-year-old Meli, who was a visitor to the market. The injured were rushed to the Achmad Muchtar and Yarsi hospitals.
Bukittinggi Deputy Mayor Ismet Amziz said Tuesday it was suspected that recent heavy rainfall had caused the landslide.
Source: thejakartapost.com/news/2009/11/10/two-die-bukittinggi-landslide.html

Landslide in Bukittinggi
Newsworthy Events

Two people died while four others were wounded in a landslide at a yard behind a house near Teleng market in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra on Tuesday.
Background Events
The death people were 3-year-old Yusuf, who was the son of a kiosk owner at the market, Bujang, and 22-year-old Meli, who was a visitor to the market. The injured were rushed to the Achmad Muchtar and Yarsi hospitals.
Resource of information
Bukittinggi Deputy Mayor Ismet Amziz said Tuesday it was suspected that recent heavy rainfall had caused the landslide.

Okay students, after having those explanations, please do activity 1

Have you done the ativity 1 students?
Is it interesting?

Okay then, you will have the Activity 2.
Please read the text carefully.

Highway bridge collapses in US; people in water

Bridge collapse: A portion of the Interstate 5 bridge is submerged after it collapsed into the Skagit River in Mount Vernon, Wash., Thursday. (AP/The Seattle Times, Rick Lund

The major highway bridge linking Seattle with Canada and the rest of the Pacific Northwest region collapsed late Thursday, dumping at least a handful of vehicles and people into a river, the Washington State Patrol said. There were no immediate reports of deaths.
The four-lane Interstate 5 bridge — more than half a century old — collapsed about halfway between Seattle and Vancouver, British Columbia, Trooper Mark Francis said.
Francis said he did not know how many people were in the water. He did not know what caused the collapse, which came at the start of one of the country's busiest holiday weekends of the year.
Xavier Grospe, who lives near the river, said he could see three partially submerged cars, and the apparent drivers were sitting either on top of the vehicles or on the edge of open windows.
"It doesn't look like anybody's in danger right now," Grospe said.
Helicopter footage aired by KOMO-TV in Seattle showed one rescue boat leaving the scene with one person strapped into a stretcher. A damaged red car and a damaged pickup truck were visible in the water, which appeared so shallow it barely reached the top of the car's hood.
A man told the local Skagit Valley Herald newspaper he felt a vibration and looked in his rear view mirror to see that the part of bridge he had just crossed was no longer behind him. "I thought something was wrong with my car at first," he said
The bridge is not considered structurally deficient but is listed as being "functionally obsolete" — meaning that its design is outdated, according to a database compiled by the Federal Highway Administration.
The bridge was built in 1955 and has a sufficiency rating of 57.4 out of 100, according to federal records. That is well below the statewide average rating of 80, according to an Associated Press analysis of federal data.
The American Society of Civil Engineers' 2013 infrastructure report card said more than a quarter of Washington state's 7,840 bridges were considered structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.


Here are the questions

The following newspaper titles and fragmants are taken from the New York Times. Match them with the suitable newspaper parts.

Okay students, that's all about News Item
Thank you for joining my class
Have a nice day

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Three Characteristics of human that Allah love

Keutamaan orang-orang yang sabar, rendah hati, belas kasih, penyayang, pemaaf. Ini tentu karena jiwa besar, itulah akhlak yang mulia, buah dari keimanannya kepada Allah dan keimanannya kepada hari akherat. Sebenarnya yang mudah membuat marah itu adalah karena lemah iman, sehingga mudah diprofokasi oleh setan sehingga lahir sifat-sifat buruk. Kalo imannya kuat, ia beriman kepada Allah, beriman kepada janji Allah, beriman kepada hari ahir, semuanya pasti dibalas oleh Allah. Kebaikan dibalas kebaikan begitu juga sebaliknya. Dia akan selalu mengatur (manage) hatinya, untuk tetap sabar dijalan Allah. Maka tidak heran berhamburan pujian untuk hamba ini. Terpuji karena teruji.
Seperti Nabi Muhammad SAW, beliau terpuji karena teruji, menjadi khotamul ambiya’i wal mursalin (penutup para nabi) dan menjadi uswatun hasanah (teladan yang baik) tidaklah mudah. Tetapi karena teruji menghadapi kaum kafir dan menyebarkan agama Islam, dan semua yang telah dilalui beliau, telah membuatnya dimuliakan oleh Allah SWT.
Ada 3 rangking seorang hamba yang dipuji oleh Allah SWT dalam surah Ali- Imron yang merupakan rangking orang-orang bertaqwa, yaitu:
1.       Alkadimina minal ghoid (orang yang bisa menahan marah saat bisa menumpahkan marahnya)
Bisa kita bayangkan betapa hebatnya hamba ini, apakah kita bisa mencapai tingkat ini? Sangat sulit sekali
contoh: saat ada satu nyamuk menggigit kita, lalu kita melihatnya, apakah kita tahan untuk tidak membunuhnya? Atau di saat kita sedang macet di jalan lalu pada saat giliran kita, ada orang yang memotong antrian kita, kita bisa marah tetapi kita bisa menahannya.
Orang yang disebut jagoan itu bukan orang yang bisa seenaknya sendiri mengumbar nafsunya, bukan juga orang yang bisa menghajar orang seenaknya, tetapi orang yang bsia menahan dirinya, menahan nafsu marahnya disaat dia bisa marah.
Ada suatu cerita Rosulullah SAW ketika menyuapi seorang nenek yahudi yang terus menghina Rosullullah SAW, betapa bencinya nenek itu dengan Nabi Muhammad SAW, tetapi Rosul terus menyuapinya, dan nenek itu tuna netra (buta)tidak bisa melihat, bahwa yang memberi makan adalah Rosullullah SAW

2.       Al afiina aninnaas (orang yang bisa menahan marah dan juga bisa memaafkan)
Kebanyakan orang apabila telah sampai pada tahap menahan marah, tetapi tidak bisa memaafkan. Dalam tahap kedua ini, seorang hamba sudah bisa menahan marah, tetapi jugaa bisa memaafkan. Makin taqwa seseorang hamba, makin pemaaf dia. Allah berfirman dalam Al-Quran menyaakan bahwa “ orang yang pendendam tidak akan masuk syurga walaupun dia adalah orang yang benar”. Mari kita saling bermaaf-maafan. Bahkan sebelum orang minta maaf kita seharusnya sudah bisa memaafkan. Jangan pernah menganggap diri kita tidak pernah salah. Boleh jadi orang yang sebenarnya membuat kita marah, membuat kita mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dan meningkatkan kualitas iman kita kepada Allah.

3.       Wallahu yuhibbul muhsiniin (hamba yang sudah bisa menahan marah, bisa memaafkan dan bisa melupakan bahkan mengajak membuka lembaran baru “let bygones be bygones”. Sampai Allah menyatakan rasa cintanya kepada hamba ini. Sebuah sifat mulia pasti akan melahirkan sifat kemuliaan berikutnya. Hamba ini memberi kesempatan kepada saudaranya untuk memperbaiki diri dan itulah tingkat keimanan yang paling tinggi. Seperti pohon manggga dilempar dengan batu, tetapi dibalas dengan buah itulah ahlak Nabi Muhammad Rosullullah SAW dan ahlak orang-orang yang beriman.
Mari kita berusaha dan berdoa supaya kita menjadi orang yang penyabar, rendah hati, penyayang dan ahirnya menjadi seorang muslim yang berahlak mulia.

(Source majelis Az-Zikra) 

Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Things around us

Title                       : Pet (Descriptive text)
Skill focus              : Reading
Level                     : X grader of Senior High School

Hello students!How are you today? Hopefully you are okay.This time we will have a lesson about Descriptive text.

Well students, before we go to the material of the lesson, let's do the warming up activity.
This is Isti's pet

Do you have any pet in your home?
Could you describe it in a brief?

When you describe something in particular, you are making descriptive text What is descriptive text?
Descriptive text is a text which describes what a person or things like.
The purpose of descriptive text is to describe particular person, place or things.
Generic structure of descriptive text
1.       Identification : Identifying the things that will be described
2.       Description : Describing the things in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics

Language features in descriptive text
1.       Use present tense, for example: make, eat, take, etc.
2.       Use adjectives and classifiers in nominal group, for example: four little legs, smooth fur, etc.
3.       Use relating verbs, for example: it has very strong legs, it is very delicious food, etc.
4.       Use thinking verbs, for example: I think it is very clever cat, I believe it taste good, etc.
5.       Use adverbs, for example: it is extremely fierce, it definitely has very good taste, etc.

Here is the example of the descriptive text:

My Withy

I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Withy, because its color is white. Withy is Chinese breed. I like my pet very much.
It is small, fluffy and cute.  It has got thick fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft, Withy does not like bones. Everyday it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give it milk and bread.
When I am at school, Withy plays with my cat. They get along well, and never fight, maybe because Withy doesn't like bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never eats shoes. Withy is really a sweet and friendly animal.

Okay students, after having those explanations, let’s get down to the exercise.

Part 1

Read this following text!
                                                                     Mr. Burger’s hamburger Gunungpati

Mr. Burger’s hamburger is delicious and cheap hamburger which i ever eat in Gunungpati. It tastes very good.

Mr. Burger’s hamburger is like common hamburger, but it has different taste. Like common hamburger i think, Mr. Burger is made from two slices of particular burger bread. Inside of it, there are lettuce, pickles, onion, cheese beef and also condiments such as ketchup and mayonnaise.

Mr. Burger’s owner has secret recipe to make his hamburger taste is different from other hamburger. He does not want anybody know about it because it is the principle of entrepreneur.

Mr. Burger’s Gunungpati is located beside Science and Mathematics Faculty. Mr. Burger opens at 9.am until 9.pm. Everyday Mr. Burger always full with customer even at night.

Answer these following questions

How about part 1 students? Is it interesting?
Now, let's go to next session.

Part 2

Play this video!

Have you play the video?
That is the example of descriptive text in a form of video.
And now, your turn to make your own word with the topic "Borobudur"

Borobudur Temple
Identification of Borobudur
For example: Borobudur temple is the beautiful temple that I have visited.

Description of the parts, qualities and characteristics of Borobudur
For example: Borobudur is the famous Buddhist temple, it was located in Magelang Central Java, etc

please make your own Descriptive text
and after you have done, send it to omen51055@gmail.com

Okay students, that's all for the lesson about Descriptive text,
See you in another lesson
Thank you for joining my class.
Have a nice day...

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

The Secret of Wudhu

Berwudhu merupakan salah satu bersuci dalam Islam. Berwudhu adalah membasuh sebagian anggota tubuh untuk menghilangkan hal-hal yang dapat menghalangi seseorang untuk melaksanakan shalat atau ibadah yang lain.
Sebelum sholat, pastinya kita akan berwudhu dahulu, karena itu merupakan syarat sah sholat.
Namun tahukah kita keutamaan apabila kita bisa menjaga wudhu kita?
Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Apabila seorang hamba berwudhu saat berkumur, maka akan keluar dosa-dosa (kecil) dari mulutnya. Apabila menghirup & menghembuskan angin dari hidungnya, keluarlah dosa-dosa (kecil) dari hidungnya. Apabila membasuh wajah, keluarlah dosa-dosa (kecil) dari wajahnya hingga keluar dari kelopak matanya. Apabila membasuh kedua tangan, keluarlah dosa-dosa (kecil) dari kedua tangannya hingga dari kukunya. Apabila mengusap kepalanya, maka keluarlah dossa-dosa (kecil) dari kepalanya hingga keluar dari kedua telinganya. Dan apabila membasuh kedua kaki, keluarlah dosa-dosa (kecil) dari kakinya hingga dari kukunya..." (HR. Malik, An-Nasai, Ibnu Majah, & Hakim).
Dalam Hadist juga disebutkan “Sungguh umatku kelak akan datang pada hari kiamat dalam keadaan (muka dankedua tangannya) kemilau bercahaya karena bekas wudhu. Karenanya, barangsiapa dari kalian yang mampu memperbanyak dan menjaga kemilau cahayanya, hendaklah dia melakukannya (dengan memperlebar basuhan wudhunya)” .(HR. Bukhari Muslim)
Dari hadist diatas dapat kita tarik kesimpulan betapa besarnya keutamaan wudhu bagi kita. Pertama, dengan berwudhu kita telah membersihkan diri, sebagai syarat beribadah. Allah berfirman ; “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, apabila kamu hendak mengerjakan shalat, maka basuhlah mukamu dan tanganmu sampai dengan siku, dan sapulah kepalamu dan (basuhlah) kakimu sampai dengan ke 2 mata kaki.” (QS. Al-Maidah: 6). Kedua, dengan berwudhu kita akan selalu dijaga oleh malikat Allah. Dalam Hadist Rosullullah bersabda "Barangsiapa tidur di malam hari dalam keadaan suci (berwudhu) maka Malaikat akan tetap mengikuti, lalu ketika ia bangun niscaya Malaikat itu akan berucap' Ya Allah ampunilah hambaMu si fulan, karena ia tidur di malam hari dalam keadaan selalu suci , "(HR Ibnu Hibban dari Ibnu Umar ra). Ketiga, dengan berwudhu kita telah menjaga badan kita dari dosa-dosa kecil yang telah kita perbuat. Dan amsih banyak lagi keutamaan dalam berwudhu. Semoga kita semua bisa menjaga wudhu kita. Insyaallah.
Sungguh besar rahmat Allah SWT.