1. People who are during their prayer humbly submissive
Actually praying is a holy activity. Because there will be a communication between creature and The Creator (Allah SWT). As a creature, prayer humbly submissive to Our Creator (Allah SWT) is a must. We are created to serve Our Creator (Allah SWT). Prayer humbly submissive here, means that we are weak in the presence of Allah SWT and we can’t do anything whether it is right or wrong without the help of Allah SWT (Laa haula walaa quwwata illa billah) because everything has been written down in Lawhil Mahfudz. So we have to prayer humbly submissive in the presence of Allah SWT in order to reach Allah’s ridho.
2. People who turn away from ill speech
A good Muslim has to maintain what they want to speak from the unnecessary things. A good Muslim prefers to silent if he or she doesn’t have anything important to be talked. But their silence is their pray. In their silence, they pray and mention The Name of Allah. Silence is gold, but talk a good thing is diamond.
3. People who are observant of zakah
Zakah is the third requirement to become a Muslim after sholat. Zakah means we share something that we have to each other. We can share our money or our help to each other. Zakah is a obligation for those who has more wealth than others. Although economically, zakah is decreasing our wealth, but actually zakah is increasing our wealth (rezeki). Because human wealth (rezeki) is not only abot money, but wealth (rezeki) can be a pleasure, enjoyment, serenity, solehah wife, soleh children, sakinah family even khusnul khotimah (die in a well state) and the greatest wealth (rezeki) is Heaven.
4. People who guard their private parts
As a good Muslim, we have to keep our private parts. We have to keep away from the momentary pleasure world. Allah SWT promises that Allah SWT will also guard our private parts if we could guard against something that is not allowed in Islam.
5. People who attentive to their trusts and their promises
A good Muslims are those who can keep their promises. In Islam, promise is a debt. If we cannot fulfill our promise, it means that we cannot pay the debt. And in afterlife, Allah SWT will demand our debt or promise that we do not fulfill yet. So if we cannot fulfill our promise, we have to responsible to say sorry to someone that we gave promise. But actually “sorry” is not enough, if we cannot fulfill the promise we made, do not try to make a promise to anyone.
6. People who carefully maintain their prayers
Carefully maintain prayers means that we keep our prayers. In Arab Language it’s called istiqomah. Istiqomah here, we pray to Allah in continuous basis. Allah SWT love those who can maintain their prayers though in a little capacity than those who cannot maintain their prayers.
Muslim that can do and keep those things will inherit in Al Firdaus Heaven.
Source (Al- Qur'an Surah Al Mukminun 1-11)